Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just Shirring the Day Away

My answer to not cutting straight lines, sewing straight hems, and avoiding the up & downs of ironing/pining and sewing? SHIRRING!

I took my Petite Bateau racer back tank -- that I was never able to wear because my bra needs were too big for it -- and upcycled it into a shirred halter top for my daughter. I took pics, so take a look!

My Petite Bateau racer back tank...

I cut the top off and did NOT hem the top of the bottom half that would become the dress.

Just shirring along. Still trying to figure out what's easiest -- keeping the needle in and turning garment around or back-stitching and starting all over again.

Yeah, that's right! I did it, I shirred a top :)

I have been struggling with straps -- either I place them too far or too close. Solution? I cut one long length of the tank material, sewed a 1/4 seam and turned it inside out. Then looped in U shape, like below.

And here's my insanely tired and disheveled daughter modeling her new top! She wants me to wear my identical top tomorrow too :)