Saturday, June 4, 2011

Inspiration Everywhere

Even on this damp, dreary June 3rd I can find some inspiration to design something  new and exciting. Yes, I was in a horrible slump for a few weeks --  not a thing sewn, glued or stamped. But with the kind words of a few friends, I sat back down and started drafting styles and goodies that I'm hoping will be the new wind in my sail.

Trapped inside, listening to the rain fall against the pipes I thought of how nice it would be to create a kingdom full of twirling princesses and glitter wands for my very bored little 4-year-old. And from that came the felt crowns -- and from the crowns will come more fairy wands. As I placed her new crown on her head (made a little ceremony to crown her, but little did she know I was really checking for size) I whispered in her ear that a princess carries great pressure to do good, and was she ready? Her smile was lopsided, and I could tell that little brain of hers was processing my big words. She turned, half hop-skipped out of the room and said "Yes, I can be good..." so I know my words were heard but in a preschoolers ears.

As the inspiration comes in forms of colors and shapes, I hope to take my ideas and really create something else -- a business. Keep our fingers crossed that this year and next my inspiration will become reality.

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