Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just A Little Crazy

Things haven't stopped moving on this treadmill called -- my family. I got my FIRST solo vacation in almost 3 years and am about to embark on my 2nd solo trip this weekend. Yeah yeah, thinking I've got the life, eh? Well, these are my first vacations with girlfriends in almost 7 years...All vacations have been with my darling husband or my adorable kids (said with a touch of sarcasm, alright!).

And just to sprinkle a little dust on it all, we've been dealing with allergies, ear infections (no, not the kids...ME!), workingman woes, elementary school BS and preschool scheduling. Sounds like your life?? Well, I'm just glad it's not only me...

But back to me being fabulous and getting some alone time....

The flight from CA to NYC is long for someone who hates to sit still for more than a 20-minute TV show, but the allure of getting through security ALONE, boarding a plane with no stroller or extra baggage and watching those miniscule TVs uninterrupted for 5 hours seemed like sheer bliss. How could such an annoying and nerve-racking venture seem to decadent? Easy! As a mom (SAHM or working) you get very little time to indulge your guilty pleasures for more than a drive from home to school or the ride to work. So yes, a flight somewhere, anywhere is something to take pleasure in. You can read your magazines, a few chapters in a book and even, be NAUGHTY and order an alcoholic beverage...

May is turning out to be a really wicked and crazy month. I got to go to NYC (where I realized I'll never be in my own skin unless I'm pounding the cracked, dirty and gum-littered pavement of The Big Apple) for a few days and now I'm heading to wine country with some of my lady friends. Yes, we'll be that annoying group of girls taking pictures, cheering each and every glass, wearing long dresses and bejeweled from head to toe. I'm having my FIRST My Little Nugget show and have been sewing bows, ripping apart fabric and turning them into rosettes and combining petals of flowers to create something new. My husband is heading to Vegas, with the boys, for what I'm sure will be a weekend I want to know nothing about.

In the end, the traveling and craziness made me realize -- it ain't so bad momma! Yeah, there are individuals I'd like to see disappear from my vision, there are nights I wish I could go out and rage, there are moments where I close my eyes and pretend that isn't a child hanging from my arm screaming bloody murder. But I'm lucky enough to have a partner in this life who needs me to be crazy, but in a happy and good way, and supports my decisions in trying to build a very strange business and get some R&R. I'm lucky to have kids who, that I adore, are healthy and happy.  So take a breath and try to indulge those crazy guilty pleasures you've been sweeping under the rug for so long...

Off to ballet...

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