Saturday, April 23, 2011

Great Adult to Toddler Tee Tut

I wish I could give myself all the credit for finding this amazingly easy, brilliant and adorable tutorial, but alas, I found it by following Craft Gossip (which, if you aren't already, follow this blog!). 

I bought a very basic, very cheap sewing machine a few months back and have used it to sew strips of fabric to make rosettes -- and 2 pillowcase dresses (but cheated, I used pillowcases b/c I'm afraid to sew a straight seam). No matter what, I can't sew a seam, but I'm not giving up.

Anyways, back to the point. Craft Gossip featured this unbelievable tutorial from The Mother Huddle -- it's how to repurpose an adult tee into an adorably ruched toddler tee. This tutorial seems easy enough for an extreme beginner, like myself and I think I will give myself a challenge for next week: make this shirt. How many of us have shirts we just won't wear again, for so many reasons (stains, too small, too big, that coral-pink color was pretty in the store, but...) and what better way to use them? Just a snip here, stitch there and your toddler will have a unique and hip shirt.

Which leads me to a random thought, I may start a personal challenge page on My Little Nuggets -- tracking the challenges I give myself -- and you! Email with the tutorial you're tackling and any documentation you have of facing off with it, and we'll start a little dialogue. Great way for all of us to test the waters and give feedback.

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