Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Playing By The Rules

Crafting has always been this distant and unattainable medium for me -- and somehow I've come around to it and am enjoying it. It really sucks that my crafting time sometimes interferes with SAHM stuff or that I have to sit down and actually THINK after my kids have gone to bed. Or that I will actually chose my sewing machine over my husband & couch time. But that's the point of trying to get in touch with my creative side...

But the whole "perfect stitch in a straight line" and cutting a "perfect circle" still evades me. Following the rules and patterns that I see everywhere is intimidating -- and ultimately makes me think I'm not doing any of this right. Constantly questioning whether or not my stuff will hold up or look like a professional is absolutely draining. Wondering "will someone be disappointed if they get this item" or "what if a stitch comes out of this and the whole thing falls apart" has caused me a sense of insecurity over what I do. But how many of us have purchased that awesome top at H&M to find it falling apart after 2 washes, and H&M is doing mega business regardless.

This doesn't mean I don't take precious care of the items I make, it just means that that zigzag stitch on my new style of headband might be a little off -- but I like it because it makes it unique, it makes it mine and it makes it only yours. Your neighbor could buy the same piece from me and guarantee her's might just be a touch different, which means you can both wear it to the same Friday afternoon play date (and I HOPE there's a chilled bottle of wine there too...).

I hope that my handmade is better than your store made. I hope that you get my items and say "that's special and unique and I love it".

I just hope someone is reading this post...


  1. Great post! I struggle with letting 'craft time' interfere with SAHM time, too...and hubby time!

    I agree that I like the little quirks that make what I do

    (And I'd take handmade over store made ANY day!)

    ~ Sarah

  2. I've been sewing for almost 24 years (holy cow!) and after my scissors my seam ripper is my next best friend. That's wonderful part about sewing - if you mess up, you can always rip it out and try again.
